When I was younger, I wasn’t afraid of heights. But there was this one incident, maybe I was 5 or 6 yrs old back then, we had to take the stairs because there was something wrong with the lift. I think we were at the 7th floor, then I suddenly freaked and cried because I was so terrified. It was just like somebody turned the switch and “boom” all of a sudden I can't look down and had this terrible feeling of falling or missing a step.
I did tried to “cure” my fear. Went and join a mountaineering club when I was in my Junior year in college til my early 20’s, even tried rappelling (and I should add that it was so amazing just don’t know if I can do that ever again!) But without practice I am back to my “normal” acrophobic-self.
So ferris wheel and rides like this are good to look at, but please don’t ask me to actually ride one J
I took this photo last year at Al Safa Park, forgot to post it online…as usual...but I did post the other one here.